Wednesday, October 15, 2008

About me

Hi, my name is Nelson, and no one likes me. Every morning before I get ready for school, I check my phone, myspace messages, and email to see who my predators for the day are because kids take turns picking on me. Believe it or not, a new sign up sheet is posted on the wall inside the boys' and girls' locker rooms every day. I used to be cool, but one day, in the 7th grade, I tripped over some kid's bag and fell face-first into the principal's lunch. I'm a junior in high school now and the kid's haven't forgotten. I've changed my number four times, switched email addresses and pimped out my myspace with hot girls and alcoholic beverages, but the messages roll in like clockwork. I don't understand: I'm a good basketball player, my grades aren't that bad, and I don't have a curfew. I can't go online without seeing a bulletin on myspace about how I apparently can't keep track of my bowel movements...I don't remember that happening...but everyone else does. They all say I'm a loser, that I smell, and shouldn't be allowed in stores without a leash and collar. I don't know what to do to make them stop.

You know what else? I found this website. It just makes me want to hide at home all day and night.

The Laws

There are many types of cyber bullies but when a cyber bully starts to threaten another person, that is when the law gets involved.

The law:
It is a felony to threaten others in anyway. It is harassment and it is a serious matter. All forms of threats are accounted for such as, by letter, over the phone, over the internet, or in person.

The FCC, local police, and FBI all take this very seriously and will investigate and prosecute, according to "".

How can you tell if you are being threatened?

Kinds of threats:

+ Vulgar Language: "You look like S**T!"

+ Direct insults: "You're so ugly that you are… are… are stupid!"

+ Verbal terrorization: "You better watch your back because something might happen to you. Grrrrr!"

+ Threats to cause harm: "At exactly 2:05pm monday, I'm gonna surprise attack you!" or "I'm gonna kill you until you die from it!"